On the Plane' .
Proud ACSian, now studying Animation in a great course at another great school. Struggles from time to time with his plans for his future. (Maybe the sciences were what he should have stuck with?) Used to be a drummer of Douche Dunder, now a drummer of Clairvon. Was once upon a time part of the 12th Coy as well, and a Band Sergeant Major of a brilliant Pipe Band. Now in a CCA known as Music Vox. Could be known occasionally as the break up and make up boy, but usually it's just break ups. Stares wistfully into space as time ferries him through hollow wonders.
- Improve in drumming
- Do well in MOI
- Travel around the world
- Stop falling sick, or just falling
- Trust
- More Gigs
- Faith
- To have a chance to go back to Square 1 when needed
- Peace
- Already have new drumsticks. Now for the real thing, the drums.