OH NO THE FIRST DAY OF THE END OF THE WORLD. MY SWITCHFOOT SONG DOESN'T WORK. Die...err ok...yea Choo can't fix the problem...nooo. Anyway, came home quite late today...And yea I think that's all, oh wait yea did some worship practice with Xavier, I think the songs are quite well chosen...so cool..haha and guess where the songs came from...haha kidding lah. Gotta do A Maths homework now...just realised I have 3 worsheets to complete, actually 2 and a half..wait count that as 2..oh ok whatever. Good thing I did my introduction to a compo hw just now.
Yay, I think I concentrate better at KAP or Serene Center. I can't concentrate at home lor, all the distractions are right in front of me. What's even better is that if I have any problems I can like ask my friends or something(since now my bro is gone, to UK that is, not anywhere else...).
I have to look forward tomorrow. PE lesson. Wonder what Mr Faizal's gonna do. Haha what the hell, he calls me the leg breaker lor, haha.....another thing to look forward to is worship practice! But then, wesley hall wasn't booked, so no drums, ha I still can sing and play guitar! Yay...anyway ever since Mr Lawrence Khoo was gone, it's been hard to book the wesley hall, dunnoe what Mr Kwan is doing, either he doesn't care or it just can't be booked.
Friday. Fusion! Another good thing to look forward to! My first time going to Fusion, haha...oh and FOP this August...ahh so long I can't wait...
And now the rambling starts.
I really love walking down Dunearn road at night, with no lights, just me and myself, and the cars passing by, my earphones on, playing emo songs, like Snow Patrol, The Calling, Goo Goo Dolls, Switchfoot, well there's alot to say. But I still can't explain this feeling, this peace, if that's what it is. It's like walking down aimlessly, wandering, down the streets, with nothing to do, nothing to lose, nothing to worry about. I really enjoy it. But still, I prefer cooler countries, like NZ or something. Enjoyable weather.
Oh yea talking about NZ, I found the pics, gonna try posting them. Maybe just some.
Haha this is us. And Aunty Ni and Johnson(on the left). My dad was the one taking the photo. Haha.
Some funny random pic. I think this guy was some mayor of Auckland.
Haha, I got stuck in the boot! Err no! Haha another random pic.
Hey cool I have a twin! (Huh)
Well just eating our prawns as fresh as possible...
Went to vist the Auckland Museum. These were the people from the Maori Showcase thing.
Johnson and I in those cool hats....err yea haha I look damn funny..
My bro needs cash....
Anyway, these are only some of the pics, can't post all because, well duh...
Almost finished with my A maths. Just a few more to go. Chiong arh!